Boomberry : Home...


Friday, December 23, 2011


I love this time of year especially because I take time off or work to be home with my daughter.  It is kind of a little tradition we have started since she began going to school.  We always look forward to staying HOME on Christmas break.  Honestly we plan all this FUN stuff, but usually end up lounging around and just being.  It is always relaxing and always appreciated.

First day on break...


As a Preschool Teacher I have quickly learned that ANY sensory/art activity is all about the process!  It really doesn't matter what the end result is, the point is to enjoy what you are doing.  Don't get me wrong the end product is important sometimes, but most of the learning and cognitive skills are developed during the "doing"

These are our simple ingredients:

Food Coloring

I really don't have a recipe I just eyeball  it ;)  But I usually do about 3 to four cups of flour to one cup of salt, 1/4 cup of cornstarch and then one cup of water.  This time I boiled the water and salt together then let the water cool before pouring it in!  She LOVED mixing the warm play dough.

Happy Holidays!

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