Boomberry : Adventures in "Junking"


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Adventures in "Junking"

Part of my New Year's "Resolutions" include getting out and doing more thrifting and junking. I absolutely LOVE going to thrift stores,antique shops and sometimes flea markets. Sometimes I find stuff I like to give a makeover and sometimes I find things that are just perfect the way they are...imperfections and all. So I made it to Goodwill today, I usually make a quick pass through the furniture first to see if there is any big item I can spot right off the bat that I love....well I found this..


I have been looking for awhile for a dresser from goodwill... but being the cheapy that I am I really wanted sonmething cheap cheap!! So I was very excited to find this for just $19.00!! Way to start of the Junking this year! You know what they say..One man's junk is another man's treasure!!!

A few more shots I love the detail... and the little keyhole. I will be on the lookout for some Funky hardware to add to it!




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